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New methods of communicating during the Rally
There are a variety of digital channels of communication to help you stay informed in Farmington during the WBCCI Rally. It includes the following:
• Emails
• Text messaging
• Web page
• Facebook
• Twitter
Most messages will be repeated on all five systems so you won’t need to watch them all. The WBCCI Electronic Communication Committee activated a variety of channels so you can use the one or two that are most frequently part of your daily life. The special web page FARMINGTON.WBCCI.NET and Facebook page will have more extensive information than text or Twitter. Watch your favorites for updates on schedule changes, room changes and previously unannounced activities. The printed program you received in your welcome packet is your primary source of information (all of the printed program information is available also on the webpage).
Here are some details:
• EMAIL: The ECC has an email group distribution system. If have already registered for the Rally then we have added your email address to the distribution list so you can get emails pertaining to the Rally. You can unsubscribe to the email list by scrolling to the bottom of any message and clicking on “unsubscribe.”
• TEXT: Text messages on your phone is an option (June 25-July 5). We would like to ask that only members actually attending the Rally sign up to receive text because each costs a few pennies. To sign up to receive text messages during the Rally text the word BAMBI to phone number 25827. Your cellular phone carrier regular rates may apply.
• WEB PAGE: A web page was created by the ECC for the Farmington Rally. You can find it by Googling “2015 International Rally at Farmington” or typing into your web browser.
• FACEBOOK: For Facebook users the ECC has created a special page. Look for or search Facebook for “wbccifarmington2015.” You need to be a Facebook member to use this. Please add your own photos to Facebook during the Rally so all your friends back home can share in the excitement.
• TWITTER: Our Twitter feed is at @Wally_Byam. Twitter requires that you be a member. Be a follower of @Wally_Byam. Please add your own pictures during the rally.
You can unsubscribe from text or emails at any time. There are instructions at the bottom of the messages that explain how to stop.
The best source at Farmington for emergency weather alerts is NOAA Weather Radio (162.475 MHz, WXJ-37). Commercial radio station KKOB AM 770 and television KOB TV are well-known in the area for providing up to date weather. There are NO weather warning sirens near McGee Campground. The McGee Park Convention Center has been designated as an emergency shelter for the surrounding community.
If you need help accessing any communication channels ask friends to help you or seek out any ECC member at the Rally. Sometimes it is nice to learn new skills at the Rally. Have fun!
Rally Communications: Teresa Taylor. Electronic Communications Committee at rally: Carolyn Beardshear, Tim Kendziorski, Deb Wood. Program Assistant: Harold Higgins.
Tour Information
Schedule for 2015 International Rally
Where to eat, what to see and do in Farmington?
Download the Farmington Visitors and Convention Brochure to start planning your 2015 International Rally experience.
Here’s a Farmington NM Dining List for your enjoyment.
Farmington Registration Information
Click HERE for information about registering for the 2015 Farmington Rally either online or with coupon/check.
First Time in Farmington?
The Farmington Convention & Visitors Bureau invites you to discover Farmington, New Mexico, a land where majestic landscapes meet endless blue skies and rich culture and heritage are waiting to be explored. Thrill-seekers can try a range of adventure sports while our museums, shops, ad galleries are perfect for those looking for something a little gentler. You can experience the tranquility of the desert Southwest, play golf on our national ranked golf course, walk in the footsteps of Ancestral Puebloans or shop for Navajo and Native American art and jewelry.
Farmington NM History
[From the City of Farmington website]
The history of Farmington can be dated back over 2,000 years ago when the Anasazi “basket makers” lived in the area in what is now known as “pit houses” and later in pueblo structures built from the native sandstone rock. Their past occupancy can still be seen in the various ruins that fill the surrounding countryside.
After the Anasazi exit from the area, the land was then inhabited by the Navajo, Jicarilla Apache, and the Utes, which add to the cultural diversity found in this area to this day. The Spanish passed through this area in the late 1700′s and eventually settled in the eastern part of San Juan County in the early 1800′s. It was not until mid 1870′s tht the population of the area began to grow with the actual settlement of what was to become Farmingtown, later shortened to Farmington. Settled by pioneers from Animas City, Colorado at the confluence of the La Plata, Animas, and San Juan Rivers. Farmington began to blossom into a flourishing farm and ranch economy and incorporated on July 15, 1901.
In the early part of the 1900s, apples became a prime crop for the local farmers. A quote from “The Sunny San Juan Magazine” from 1938 gives us a glimpse into how important the apple commerce was, “The harvesting of some 2,000 acres of fruit calls for a lot of activity in this valley. There are about 53,000 bearing apple trees in the San Juan district. Speaking in terms of commercial apple growing, our valley produces in a normal year in the neighborhood of one hundred standard car loads. Quality of apples compares favorable with the product of other more extensive fruit producing localities. Jonathan, Delicious, Grimes Golden, Rome Beauty, and Winesap are the principal varieties, and are harvested in the order named. Thinning is practiced by the successful growers to insure commercial sized apples and to prevent overbearing.”
Farmington went through several “oil and gas” booms during the 20th century. At one time, Farmington was the leading oil and gas producing area in the state of New Mexico. The oil and gas industry still remains a staple for the area.